Monster Hunter Sunbreak Buids Showcase

Welcome to my Sunbreak Builds Showcase!

My name is Quinn!
I am a 17 year old girl and college student who plays lots of monster hunter. This site was set up as a hobby on the side mostly for personal use, but i figured the information could help others so why not share?
if you have any questions about the builds here or have information on any improvements i could make feel free to reach out - I'm not super knowledgeable on the math behind the game, all these builds are made from personal playing, testing, and overall just seeing what works out - Hope u enjoy :D

In this guide you fill find...

1. Personal hand crafted weapon builds all stress tested and regularly used by me.
2. Builds for all play-styles and options such as; comfort, high dps, element, raw, status and fun options.
3. *WIP*
Videos on my YouTube (link below) showcasing the builds against various end-game monsters.

I Hope You Enjoy!

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