Elemental Lance Builds

 Top Element Builds!

This is a collection of some of my favorite and most effective Elemental lance builds. These builds range from comfort builds with good element and raw - maximum element dps, with builds with no hp drain and with hp drain. there will be a star ranking for every build based on mow much i recommend them 3* are still good but not recommended builds. 4* builds are very solid options but are just slightly outclassed by the 5* builds which are my personal recommendations for anyone looking at making lance builds. Enjoy!

Ultra comfort template 4*

This template uses no health drain skills and utilities the heaven sent skill from the Amatsu Armour for maximum comfort. The high raw and element damage output makes for a well rounded build suitable for any hunt! This build uses Maximum might x Heaven sent to reach 100% affinity - additionally any slots on the weapons can be customized to your liking :D. The weapons you want to use are; Oppressors genesis/Skybore discharge, Kimi ga kiru kasa+, Knightly ectis/Daora's regulus, Kaktus bergierde, Silver Stabber.
Weapon augments: 8 element/2 attack     Play-style: leaping thrusts and pokes     Rampage-deco: elembane/anti species

Coming soon.........

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