Raw Lance Builds

Top Raw Builds!

This is a collection of some of my favorite and most effective raw lance builds. These builds range from pure raw - every status. there will be a star ranking for every build based on mow much i recommend them 3* are still good but are more fun "bonus" builds. 4* builds are very solid options but either fall into a niche play-style or are just slightly outclassed by the 5* builds which are my personal recommendations for anyone looking at making lance builds. Enjoy!

The Bazel Rocket Rooksearer 5* Build

Lets start with the best one. This is a potent raw build using the bazelguese lance - the buildup boost x mail of hellfire combination gives this build ridiculously high raw, The heaven-sent skill is used due to this weapons low amount of purple sharpness additionally heaven sent allows the use of the maximum might skill giving this build precisely 100% affinity.
Weapon augment: 8 attack/2 status    Play-style: pokes and wide sweeps    Rampage-deco: Anti-species

Ouroboros Serpentblade 5* Build

The next build in the list is quite a toxic one. This build has a massive 61 poison buildup and utilities the Chameleos blessing x Foray combo to keep the monsters poisoned for longer maximizing the up-time for Foray. This build deals high raw damage due to making the most out of the skills Mail of hellfire, Buildup boost, and Offensive guard. Poison the monster quickly with leaping thrusts, then do massive damage with Charged wide sweeps (which can hit over 1000 damage).

Weapon augment: 8 attack/2 status     Play-style: Leaping thrusts, pokes and wide sweeps     Rampage-deco: Anti-species

Volvi Swindler 3* Build

This is a multiplayer focused Paralysis build, This build reaches 55 paralysis capable of triggering the effect 2-4 times per hunt. this build may not deal an impressive amount of damage but it can certainly hold its own. This build uses masters touch to keep sharpness in white so make sure you attack the weak spots. Mail of hellfire x Buildup-boost increases its damage. Use Leaping thrusts to trigger paralysis quickly!

Weapon augments: 6 status/4 deco-up    Play-style: Leaping thrust, pokes and wide sweeps     Rampage-deco: anti-species 

Elegant Fragrance 3* Build

This is a multiplayer focused Sleep build, This build reaches 50 Sleep capable of triggering the effect 3-4 times per hunt. this build may not deal an impressive amount of damage but when paired with the right weapon in multiplayer such as Greatsword/Hammer/Charge blade/Longsword the wake up hits more than make up for it! This build uses masters touch to keep sharpness in white so make sure you attack the weak spots. Mail of hellfire x Buildup-boost increases its damage. Use Leaping thrusts to trigger Sleep quickly! When playing solo you can use charged wide sweep to wake up the monster dealing up to 1800 damage. 

Weapon augments: 6 status/4 deco-up     Play-style: Leaping thrust, pokes and wide sweeps     Rampage-deco: anti-species 

Ominous Cloud 3* Build

This build utilities the Amatsu weapons built in silkbind-boost skill, that means this build is focused around using the skyward thrust switch skill. This build also uses guard 5 as the spiral thrust switch skill needs guard levels to counter stronger attacks. While this lance may have some water it also boasts exceptionally high raw sitting at 405 base (when augmented). This build uses Bloodlust to achieve 100% affinity. Additionally this build has an open 4 slot that you can use as you see fit.

Weapon augments: 8 attack/2 element  Play-style: pokes/wide sweeps and skyward thrust 

 Rampage Deco: Anti-species

Coming soon... maybe?


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